Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Our Funders

These generous souls helped us cross the pond and have supported this process with their words, their hearts - and their wallets! We will be eternally grateful. And, since the Internet is forever, we'd like to take a moment to raise a glass and toast to them... to YOU!

Cheers! You make art happen. THANK YOU!
Eternal gratitude goes out to:

Adam Mayfield
Aleshea Harris
Ali Brodsky
Alice Tuan
Alison Brown
Amanda Shank
Amelia Lahn
Amy Basen
Amy Tofte
Andrew Gearhart
Barbara Bamberg
Bill Gearhart
Bob & Peg Bamberg
Brad DeBiase
Bruce Johnson
Chelsea Naftelberg
Chris Cotone
Claire Bamberg
Daniel Lannon
David Johnson
David Weintraub
Deena Selenow
Doninic Menta
Dorothy Strano Bennett (and Amy)
Elizabeth Lewis
Ellen Christine Reid
Emma Barrow
Gabriel F Carleton-Barnes
Hilary Willard
Ian Garrett
Irene Walsh
Janie Geiser
Jean Paul Rautio
Joan Gearhart
John D. Scully
Judy Primavera
Karin Smerczynski
Laura LeVan
Linda Howells
Lucy McRae
Marie Menta
Marina Libel and Josh Garrett-Davis
Marina McClure
Mary Gearhart
Mary Jane Klimkewicz
Michael Kendrick
Olivia Sandoval
Owen Granich-Young
Paul Menta
Phyllis Gorfain
Rachel Sherbill
Robert Gearhart
Robert Harper
Sam Maher
Shannon Fillion & Scott Troost
Shannon Scrofano
Terry Beem
Vinnie and Pat Menta
Vivian Kane

1 comment:

  1. We also want to thank all of the anonymous donors- your names aren't on here because you didn't give them to us, but you made huge contributions to us getting here. Thank you!
