Sunday, July 15, 2012

Above and Beyond!!

Here's the best news ever...
We just reached our IndieGogo campaign goal and THERE'S TIME TO SPARE!  Plus, the donations are still rolling in!! 

We couldn't be happier - we fee like we're flying! (see?)

Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. YOU are making art happen!!  We will post names on our "thank you" list HERE as soon as the campaign is closed - tomorrow at midnight.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

We're getting very close!!!

PLEASE HELP us reach our fund-raising goal!!  
$10 gets you our dearest thanks and a shout out here on our blog and in our program...
$25 gets you a PHOTO ESSAY of our trip and our show in Scotland this summer!
$50 gets you that AND a lovely POSTCARD!
$100 gets you that and an MP3 of us SINGING to the crowds in Edinburgh!
$500 get you all that AND a PERSONAL PRESS PACKET!!  

It's like being there, only digital!

We're getting close to our deadline on IndieGoGo so NOW IS THE TIME!
Thanks! :) Alexis